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Getting Ready for School

School Uniform 

School uniform is an essential part of school and helps your child understand that they now belong to our Fulwood and Cadley family. Your child will need their school uniform for when they start school during the Autumn Term. Our uniform is available from Smart School Outfitters, 54 Lancaster Road, Preston.

All our pupils wear the following uniform:

  • Grey trousers or shorts
  • White shirt – can be long or short sleeved depending on the weather but must be suitable for wearing with a tie and fasten up to the collar
  • Navy Blue School Jumper with School Logo – this is a wool blend v neck jumper
  • School Tie (clip on) – in school colours of navy and gold
  • Grey or black socks
  • Black sensible shoes
  • Navy skirt or navy pinafore dress
  • White shirt – can be long or short sleeved depending on the weather but must be suitable for wearing with a tie and fasten up to the collar
  • Navy Blue School Jumper with School Logo – this is a wool blend v neck jumper or cardigan
  • School Tie (clip on) – in school colours of navy and gold
  • Girls may also wear smart grey trousers
  • Navy tights or navy socks
  • Black sensible shoes
  • During the summer Term a navy blue gingham dress and white socks can be worn.

PE Kit (boys and girls wear the same kit)

PE kit is to be worn to school on PE days

  • Navy blue or white round neck t-shirt with school logo (Smart Schoolwear)
  • Navy blue school tracksuit top with school logo (Smart Schoolwear)
  • Navy tracksuit bottoms for outdoor PE
  • Navy blue shorts
  • Trainers to be worn only on PE days

* Please note that the navy blue tracksuit top cannot be worn as a school jumper.  


It is essential that all items of clothing are clearly named, this includes pumps, shoes, coats, gloves etc... You can either buy iron on or stitch in name labels or you can simply write their name on the clothing label with pen.  Shoe labels can also be purchased to stick inside shoes and pumps. You must label everything. We can not stress this enough!


  • Children’s hairstyles should be appropriate for school.
  • It is not permitted to have designs shaved into very short haircuts.
  • Children with hair longer than shoulder length must have their hair tied back with a suitable small hair accessory.
  • Longer hair should always be tied back for the health and safety of children during class lessons and during PE. It is also a measure put in place to prevent the spread of headlice in the school.
  • Brightly coloured hair accessories must not be worn in school. Only small, navy accessories are permitted.


  • No jewellery is to be worn in school.  This is for health and safety reasons.
  • Earrings are not permitted.
  • Children may wear a suitable wristwatch. 
  • Parents are requested to have their children’s ears pierced at the beginning of the Summer Holiday so that they have healed for the start of the new school year.

School Backpack 

  • All children in school must bring a school backpack to school. 
  • Backpacks with our school logo are available from Smart School outfitters.
  • These bags are vital for bringing things into school and taking them homes such as letters, pictures, school library books and reading books. 
  • Please help your child to remember to bring their bag to school every day.
  •  Please ensure their bag is clearly named, as every child in school has the same bag! 
  • We do allow keyrings to be placed onto the bag as this helps to personalise them.

Things to bring to School

  • Suitable coat - nothing too special as it is likely to get sandy, muddy or wet.
  • Hats, scarves and gloves
  • A water bottle
  • School rucksack – this will need to bring their reading record and reading book home and back to school each day.
  • Please put spare socks, knickers/underpants and school skirt/trousers in your child’s school rucksack. Accidents do happen or your child may fall over.   
  • Wellingtons (named) to stay in school.


  • Sun hats and sun cream (during the sunny weather)

Uniform Special Offer