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Key Stage 1

Key Stage 1 Assessments.

Miss Kane and Mrs Duckworth are responsible for judging the standards your child is working at in English reading, English writing, mathematics and science, by the end of key stage 1. To help inform those judgements, pupils would previously sit national curriculum tests in English and mathematics, commonly called SATs. They may also sit an optional test in English grammar, punctuation and spelling.

In 2024, Key Stage 1 SATs are no longer compulsory national tests, KS1 SATs have been 'replaced' by optional KS1 SATs tests.

The tests are a tool for us to help  measure your child’s performance and identify their needs as they move into key stage 2. They also allow us to see how your child is performing against national expected standards. The tests will be taken any time during May and they are not strictly timed. Pupils may not even know they are taking them as many teachers will incorporate them into everyday classroom activities.

In addition to the SATs, some Year 2 children may take part in the Phonics Screening check, if they did not manage to pass successfully in year 1. The phonics screening check is a quick and easy check of your child’s phonics knowledge. It helps us to confirm whether your child has made the expected progress in phonics. 

We use baseline assessments and mid-year assessments to support our teacher judgements in addition to the above. These are used to measure progress and track how are children are progressing through the curriculum.