At Fulwood and Cadley, we understand that music can play an important role in the personal, social and emotional development of our children, allowing them to grow into confident individuals; inspiring enjoyment of music, creativity, personal expression and a greater appreciation of themselves and the world in which they live. It is our aim for every child to develop their skills as an individual and confidently embed a solid musical foundation with singing and performance at the heart of everything we do. We strive to provide our children with a variety of musical experiences; introducing them to an eclectic range of music from across history, styles, traditions and genres to allow them to foster an appreciation, understanding and personal preference for the music that they experience both live and recorded, appraise, compose and perform. Through links with the Lancashire Music Service and specialist Music Teachers in school, all children in KS2 have the opportunity to learn to play an instrument and develop their skills and talents as musicians.
We deliver a broad and balanced music curriculum which enables pupils to: