Quality of Education
To create a rigorous knowledge based approach to teaching and learning which develop and embed pedagogy which is rooted in meta-cognition and brain development, raising standards across core areas particularly reading and writing, narrowing the gap in attainment so it is in line with Lancs/Nat data particularly for vulnerable groups: boys and DAP.
Areas for Development:
Reading including Phonics & Early Reading/Writing
To support all children to attain in line with national and Lancashire standards across core areas of learning.
Knowledge Curriculum & Acquisition
The curriculum is logical and cumulatively progressive in its design with well-planned and sequenced learning rooted in statutory requirements, preparing all learners for the future, nurturing the self-belief and enabling good progress.
Opportunities to learn outdoors, using the experiences involving all senses bring learning to life and ensure good knowledge retention.
To support teachers in developing secure strategies in order to formatively assess pupil progress within a lesson with a secure understanding of their starting point.
Meta-cognition & Self-regulation
To provide all children regardless of ability with the skills to think about their own thinking. Developing self-regulation processes used to plan, monitor, and assess one's understanding and performance. Develop a critical awareness of:
a) one's thinking and learning
b) oneself as a thinker and learner.
Vulnerable Learners
To support all learners from their starting point to make good progress across the curriculum, using effective strategies and resources such as digital to address need and achieve success