We are committed to ensuring that our pupils continue to learn during any period of school closure.
Each day, during the pupil's authorised absence from school, we will provide focussed activities linked to the national curriculum for each year group. In most instances, remote learning will be delivered by the class teacher via Seesaw or Showbie, a collaborative app that allows us to bring the class together virtually. In the event of the class isolating due to teacher illness, an emergency curriculum pack has been sent home in advance to ensure continuity of learning for all pupils.
See-Saw is predominately used in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2. It is a valuable tool to support remote learning and home-school communication between teachers, children and
parents. Pupils in years 3 - 6 may also use this app for remote learning activities or to provide feedback. Pupils isolating must check Seesaw each morning for remote learning set by the class teacher.
Showbie is a newly introduced app for all pupils in years 3 to 6. Showbie allows our teachers to bring the classroom together to collaborate and communicate, set activities and provide feedback on tasks set. Pupils isolating must check Showbie each morning for remote learning set by the class teacher.
We to committed to providing learning opportunities that are appropriate for all our pupils. Please use the email address provided on your class page to contact your child's teacher in the first instance to discuss how learning tasks provided can be adapted to meet the needs or your child. If you feel you need to discuss advanced support for you child's learning accessibility, please contact Mrs. Gill, our school SENCO at senco@fulwoodcadley.lancs.sch.uk
Please refresh our school's Acceptable Use Policy with your child to ensure pupils are familiar with how to stay safe online at home. Click here for more information on online safety.