Class teachers work together with Mrs Gill, our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator, to respond quickly to any area of difficulty children may be experiencing. In partnership with you, we can formulate strategies to support your child and where necessary seek involvement from outside agencies such as paediatricians, speech and language therapist, occupational therapist ect... Please contact Mrs Gill via email if your child is currently involved with or has previously been involved with any outside agencies. If you have any concerns about your child’s overall development, social and emotional needs, speech and language needs, physical and sensory needs or learning needs then again please contact Mrs Gill.
We offer pastoral support in school for children who find it a little bit difficult throughout the day. We offer lunchtime support for identified children who are finding the hall difficult to cope with during lunchtimes or who may find the playground a little overwhelming. ‘Lunchalots’ runs during lunchtime for identified children who require support. This is held in our nurture room and is a safe and welcoming environment for those children who need this support. Those children who have their lunch in ‘lunchalots’ sit together with staff, like a large family. Children with both hot dinners and packed lunches attend but the younger children on hot dinners are supported to bring their lunch to the nurture room by staff. Identified children stay in the nurture room during the rest of lunchtime and can take part in different activities including playing games, art activities, reading books etc.. with staff. Where possible children are supported during their time in ‘lunchalots’ to develop strategies and confidence to allow them to begin to access parts of lunchtime with the rest of the school.
Class teachers work closely with Jess O’Neil our family support worker.
The type of things we be able to offer support you and your family with are:
If there is anything you would like support with at the moment or if you have any queries, then Jess would love to hear from you. or contact the school family support mobile on: 07394421775
Please come and talk to us if anything is worrying you about your child at school. It is important to us that your child is happy and feels confident about coming to school.
We look forward to your child joining us at Fulwood and Cadley Primary School.