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Fulwood and Cadley Primary School

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Class 2

Welome to Class 2


Hi, my name is Mrs True and I am the class teacher in Class 2.  Working with me is Mrs Horrocks our Teaching Assistant. We also have Mrs Winter, Mrs Matador and Mrs Lafferty to help us with our learning. 

I am in class everyday except on Wednesdays when Mrs Barrett and Mrs Horrocks will be teahing you. 

Both Myself and Mrs Horrocks are extremly excited to meet you all and we cant wait to watch you grow over the year. 





We do the majority of our learning through continuous provision.  We use both the indoor and outdoor classrooms to support us with our learning. The children have access to both and they can choose to move between both areas. You can keep up to date with your childs learning through seesaw. 


Please ensure you have wellies in school as we love water play!

Important information

  • PE days are on Tuesday and Friday
  • Water bottles are needed in school everyday
  • Wellies are needed in school with a name in. 
  • A tooth brush is needed in school. 
  • Please keep a spare pair of socks and underwear in your child's book bag.
  • Please ensure all items of clothing are named. 
  • We are a nut free school so please ensure that no foods containing nuts come into school. 



If you have any issues or queries no matter how small please contact us via seesaw.  Either myself or Mrs Horrocks will respond as soon as we can. 


You can email me: and I will respond as soon as I can. 


Please feel free to pass a message on to the member of the team who is on the door in a morning. 


If another adult is collecting your child please let us know as soon as possible. 


Any urgent messges please ring the office. 

