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Fulwood and Cadley Primary School

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PE and Sport Premium

School Games Gold Award 2022

Government Guidance

About the

PE and Sport Premium

All young people should have the opportunity to live healthy and active lives. A positive experience of sport and physical activity at a young age can build a lifetime habit of participation and is central to meeting the government’s ambitions for a world-class education system.

Physical activity has numerous benefits for children and young people’s physical health, as well as their mental wellbeing (increasing self-esteem and emotional wellbeing and lowering anxiety and depression), and children who are physically active are happier, more resilient and more trusting of their peers. Ensuring that pupils have access to sufficient daily activity can also have wider benefits for pupils and schools, improving behaviour as well as enhancing academic achievement.

The School Sport and Activity Action Plan set out government’s commitment to ensuring that children and young people have access to at least 60 minutes of sport and physical activity per day, with a recommendation of 30 minutes of this delivered during the school day (in line with the Chief Medical Officers guidelines which recommend an average of at least 60 minutes per day across the week).

The PE and sport premium can help primary schools to achieve this aim, providing primary schools with £320m of government funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of the PE, physical activity and sport offered through their core budgets. It is allocated directly to schools so they have the flexibility to use it in the way that works best for their pupils. The PE and sport premium survey highlighted the significant impact which PE and Sport has had in many primary schools across England.

P.E Statement of Intent

(including values and equality)


Fulwood and Cadley aims to provide opportunities to promote and provide healthy activities within the school curriculum. It is hoped that this, in turn will lead the children to follow a healthy and active lifestyle throughout their school days and beyond into adult life.

The Physical education curriculum should be seen as an inclusive not exclusive curriculum. It relates to the overall aims of the school. The P.E. curriculum aims to develop the potential of each individual child. It aims to develop and maintain links between home, school and the community. All of this is based within the Christian faith.


Specific aims are:

  • To promote an enjoyment of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle.
  • To develop a knowledge of safety factors and an appreciation of the principles of safe practice.
  • To promote positive attitudes and provide life-long skills to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • To develop cooperation, fair play and the ability to deal with both success and failure.
  • To develop physical and mental coordination, self-control and confidence.
  • To provide equal opportunities for all.
  • To be given the opportunities to plan, practice and evaluate skills taught and learnt.
  •  To develop an appreciation of physical skills, as well as creative and aesthetic performances, of self and others.
  • To develop communication and leadership skills and an ability to work in close cooperation with others.
  • To discover their own aptitudes and preferences for different activities.

Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

PE Kits

The smart new Fulwood & Cadley PE kits, that we were hoping would be in place for September unfortunately won't be. Despite our best efforts we have been unable to gain a sponsor in order to reduce the overall cost of each kit for all pupils.

In order to try and maximise the time children have in each PE lessons, all children across the school from September can come into school wearing their usual PE kits on the days that their class is scheduled to have PE:

Navy Hoodie with School Logo - (only available from Smart Schoolwear)

White Round Neck T-Shirt - School Logo Optional

Navy Jogging /Tracksuit Bottoms - Plain

Navy Shorts (only if warm enough)

Teachers will notify parents when their classes PE days are in the first week back in September.

