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Fulwood and Cadley Primary School

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Curriculum Information

Spring A

Our class topic for Spring A is called 'Fallen Heroes' and is all about World War 1. The linked subjects for this topic are history, art, music and English.  




In history, we will be looking at The Great War (WW1) and will be investigating the causes of World War 1, war at land, at sea and in the air and life on the Western front. Throughout English we will be considering life as a soldier in the trenches and writing letter home to our families. Will be thinking about how WW1 affected Britain and life on the Home Front as well as the importance of remembering our 'Fallen Heroes,' 



In art lessons, we will be focusing on pencil drawings. Inspired by the work of Anna Bregan we will be creating pencil drawings of WW1 soldiers. We will also be create a WW1 collage. 

Watch out for our masterpieces being uploaded to Showbie soon!



In music lessons, we will be participating in a unit from Lancashire Music Charanga called ' Melody and Harmony in Music' Within this unit, we will explore melody and Harmony through musical tracks 'Ghost Parade' and 'Words can Hurt'.   Alongside this, linking in with our class topic of WW1. we will be learning a variey of songs linked to WW1 including 'Its a long way to Tipperary' and Listen to the Fields.' 



Our class read this term will be 'Private Peaceful' which is about two peaceful brothers, Tommo and Charlie, who have had a tough rural childhood facing the death of their father, financial hardship and a cruel landlord. Their fierce loyalty to each other pulls them through, until one day they both fall for the same girl. And then the Great War comes! 

Within writing lessons, we will be writing a play script based on Archie Dobson's war. We will be writing a letter home from a soldier in a trench and analysing the poem of ; Dulce Decorum Est' and 'In Flanders fields'. 


Discrete Subjects


This half term, we will be focusing on online safety. Our main focus is to teach the children about online relationships and online reputation. 



Our school theme for PSHE for the autumn term is Health and Well-being. In class 9, our children will be focusing on the effects of drugs, alcohol and tobacco on mental health and well-being. Alongside this, we will continue to have weekly 'Happy Minds' lessons. This is a whole school focus on creating a culture of positive mental well-being. Our next unit of work is called 'celebrate.' and helps us to celebrate all the amazing things about ourselves.



This half term, our outdoor PE lessons will focus on invasion games: Hockey. For our second PE lesson, your child will either be attending swimming or having a gymnastic lesson with Mr Corlett. Pupils will be informed which group they are in. 



Our French lessons will be taught by Miss Jackson who will be focusing on Parts of the Body



Our focus for religious education this half term is Judaism and we will be exploring the question: Do people need laws to guide them. 



In science lessons we will be learning all about LIGHT and we will be exploring how light travels and how we see light whilst investigating our eyes. 



Mathematics lessons will take place daily. This half term we will be focusing on Fractions and multiplication and division part 2. 

Class 9 Timetable

Class 9 Annual Curriculum Map

