Class 11
A huge welcome to Year 6 and class 11
Contact Information
Class Teacher: Mrs Robinson
Class Teaching Assistant: Mrs Woodrow
Class contact:
If your matter is urgent, please contact the office.
School Office: 01772 717087
Welcome to Class 11!
Y6 is both an exciting but slightly daunting year for our children as they face their last year at Fulwood and Cadley. But we are ready to take on this year with courage, determination and resilience. I know that class 11 will have a happy and successful year as they prepare themselves for high school.
The class page is here to support you and your child throughout the year and keep you up to date on some important information. Please take some time to read through the documents listed below.
Our goals this year are to grow in independence, to take on leadership roles and responsibilities, to keep trying in the face of trials and most importantly, to have fun.
I look forward to the year ahead!
Mrs Robinson
Welcome information
Physical Education
PE Days for year 6 are: Wednesday and Friday for Autumn A (please note this will change to Thursday and Friday in Autumn B - after half term). Please come to school dressed in your PE kits on those days.
If possible, please provide your child with their own individual headphones which will be labelled and kept in their tray at school.
An inexpensive, wired pair are preferable as large headphones will not fit in their trays.
School will not be held responsible for expensive headsets going missing so please do not send in ear buds or air pods.
Home Work/ Home Learning
As this is an important year for our Year 6’s, they will have access to SATs companion, which is vital in supporting them with their preparation for SAT’s.
As part of our learning and communication, activities and homework will be set primarily on SATs companion. The children will be informed and it is vital that they regularly check this app/website, as this will feed into our learning in school. Once set, the children have one week to complete the activity.
Please check this daily.
All children will be well prepared within school to access this learning at home. This includes bringing home a password sheet with all of their relevant passwords on. Each week, there is an expectation that children access TT Rock Stars, practise their spellings and read regularly. Additionally, an arithmetic activity will be set each Monday, either on paper or on SATs companion. Homework Club is on Monday lunchtime, 12:00 – 12:30pm. Please encourage your child to attend if they are struggling to complete tasks at home.
If your child is unable to complete their home work, please send in a note. Otherwise, a consequence will be put in place.