Parent Noticeboard
Magic Mondays!
On Monday afternoons, this Spring term we are very excited as myself, Mr Holding and Mrs Murphy will be teaching your child some of their foundation subjects in the afternoon.
Each session will be approximately 35 minutes long.
They will start with Mrs Murphy's music, then head over to Mr Holding for some French and finally back in Class 6 with me for R.E.
Preston Train Station Trip
This year’s curriculum trip for Class 6 will be a visit to the Train Station, Preston. Please consent via ParentPay by Friday 12th January 2024. There is no charge for this trip as the train station are funding the cost of the coach. We will still need you to consent via ParentPay.
The trip will be on Tuesday 16th January 2024 and the itinerary for the day is as follows:
· 9:30 – Leave school for Preston Train Station
· 9:50 - Arrive at Preston Train Station
· 10:00- 10:10 – Introduction
· 10:10-11:30 - Community room and activities
· 11:30-12:30 – Lunch
· 12:30-1:50 - Walk round the station
· 2:00 - Set off back to school
· 2:20 - Arrive back at school
Pupils are requested to bring a packed lunch and a drink (no glass bottles please). The children can wear non-uniform but must wear their school jumper. If your child is entitled to free school meals and would like a packed lunch, please select this option on ParentPay, and make payment via ParentPay by Friday 12th January 2024.
Class 6 weekly home learning is as follows:
- Reading
Your child should bring both their home-school reading book and Top 50 book home each night and are required to read daily at home choosing either one of the above. Each week, your child must log onto Showbie and complete a ‘book review’ or ‘book update’ on the book or chapters they have read that week. This review can be done creatively and can include a written update or a VLOG to mention a few. Instructions and questions to support the book review are on Showbie. Mrs Kaur will check in with the children weekly about their reading at home whilst listening to the children read in class.
- Spellings
Your child will be given 5 - 15 spellings each week to practise and embed using the strategies that we
use in class daily. Your child’s personalised weekly spellings will be placed in their home learning book each Friday and all spelling strategies and practise should be evidenced in the book. Support for different spelling strategies can be found on Showbie. Spellings will be tested on a Friday morning in class.
- Maths – Timetables and Arithmetic
Timetables are the foundations of maths and the more confident and fluent your child is in knowing their times tables off by heart, the easier they will find all aspects of maths from division to fractions etc..
I will be setting weekly activities on the following websites for the children to log in and practise their timetables. As a class teacher, I will be able to log on and see how much time they have spent practicing their tables and how well they are doing which I will report back to you at the next parent’s evening.
Daily Physical Activity
Starting on Thursday 11th January 2024, children in class 6 will be participate in a whole school challenge of completing a short physical activity every day. In spring A, class 6 will do as many 'Starjumps' as they can in an allocated time.