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Fulwood and Cadley Primary School

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This page is to alert parents to any quick messages about school events or general information. 

What is coming up this term?

New PE kits for 2024-25

The smart new Fulwood & Cadley PE kits will be rolled out from September 2024, but will not be compulsory till Sep 2025. In order to keep the cost of the kits down we are only asking for the t-shirt and tracksuit top to be purchased with the school logo. There will be  choice of t-shirts, white with blue sleeves or blue with white sleeves, the choice is yours. 

Children will require navy blue shorts and jogging bottoms which can be purchased from a variety of stores and supermarkets. 

In order to try and maximise the time children have in each PE lessons, all children across the school from September can come into school wearing their usual PE kits on the days that their class is scheduled to have

Teachers will notify parents when their classes PE days are in the first week back in September.


Uniform Cost from SMART

Half-zip top: £15.99

Joggers: £12.99 (can be bought elsewhere if preferred)

T-shirt: £7.99

Shorts: £5.99 (can be bought elsewhere if preferred)


Special offer price £30 for Jumper, joggers and t-shirt.

Changes to School Day

Following consultation with staff and parents, the new school day will be:

8:40am rolling start
8:50am Official start time 
3:20pm End of the day for all classes

